You deserve to have more. And I truly mean that.
During my time as a business mentor, I’ve talked to multiple clients about scaling to the next level of their businesses and what holds them back is they are content… so the desire for more feels greedy.
They don’t believe they need more since they have it all, so they are stuck with shame around the burning desire for growth.
But that desire your heart holds, or the dream that makes your body feel alive is worthy. When you feel that full-body fuck yes, there shouldn’t be an ounce of doubt.
Because you aren’t greedy for your desire for more money. You are deserving of having it all.
More money means more opportunities, freedom, impact, and living.
Believing you only deserve more if you don’t have enough keeps you from growing. So I have to ask…
What could you create in this life with more wealth?
What could you create for others if you chose to step into something bigger?
What possibilities are there for you if you answer that call for more?
What would be welcomed into your life if you believed you deserved to have it?
I’ve created wealth and sustainability for my life and business, choosing to have it all. I’ve created a life where I don’t have to choose between presence with my family or growing my business.
I’m at a point where each day I am grateful for what’s on the schedule. It’s a schedule where I lead other women into the next level of themselves while never missing books or songs at bedtime.
This life I have designed is one where my health is my priority and taking care of myself makes my business thrive. And I’m not done yet...
I will never stop feeling the calling that I have for something bigger, something more… and neither will you.
Your intention for more is pure power and your calling...not greed. It’s time to answer the call.
The potential that lives within you is ready to be ignited and I’m going to show you how. Inside PowHER United Mastermind, you will link arms with other powerful female-CEO’s who are ready to make the leap with you.
PowHER United Mastermind is a place where you can scale your business while also creating more space, presence, and inner peace. This is the opportunity to create more revenue, better leadership, deeper relationships, time for yourself, and a happier home.
Are you in? Answer that burning desire for more.

Learn more about working with Kelsea and her story here.